Last night I came across this ultra cheap movie from the late 70’s. Despite being of the super low budget, homemade variety, it managed to stay entertaining and fun for its hour runtime. A NASA space rocket crashes to Earth on its return trip from the planet Venus. While there, they (the astronauts) collect some goo that they bring back in canisters. 2 kids come across the canisters in a lake. One kid gets bitten on the ankle by an animal that goes into a hole in the ground. The other kid dumps the contents of the canister into the hole, causing the critter to mutate into a giant monster that then kills them. Some random dude is driving when the monster runs in front of his car, getting hit. He goes to inspect and finds a giant arm, which he wraps up and takes home. He calls his buddy to come over and check it out, but the arm is still alive and sneaks off, scratching his friend in the foot and causing him to go rabid and murderous. 2 detectives are called to investigate the recent inc...
Everything from action figure and film reviews to random geek stuff.