Black Widow's partner in crime has arrived. Clint Barton aka Hawkeye is my latest S.H. Figuarts Avengers purchase.
He comes with an alternate head looking off to the side, 2 pairs of hands (fists, open), an extra grasping hand to pull back his bow and arrow, 2 different bows (one with arrow, one without) that have hands molded onto them, and his back quiver that holds his extra arrows. The quiver can attach to his back via a small peg.
The articulation is decent. His head and neck can't look too far up or down, his shoulders have a good range, moving in every direction. No upper arm cut, but the elbow has swivel. The upper torso and waist have a decent range. His thighs are similar to the Star-Lord figure in that they can't kick too far up, with most of their range being out to the sides. The knees are not double jointed but can bend far enough, and ankles have slight pivot but are hindered by the sculpt. And finally, toe hinge. You can get him into all the good action poses, nothing overly wild, but that's ok.
Of the two bows, getting the one with the arrow into his wrist peg is a bit challenging as the arrow and pulled back bow can get in the way of his arm. It fits best when his arm is extended out to the side. His back quiver fits snuggly into the peg, but it can pop out when brushing against it while handling the figure.
As far as the face sculpts, both are decent and look enough like Jeremy Renner, though there's something about them that I find slightly off. I think it's his nose. In certain angles it can appear slightly too big. It's less evident on the face that looks to the side. It's not the best likeness, but it's not the worst. The head on the Marvel Legends 2-Pack Hawkeye can fit onto his neck, though it sits loose as the Legends' peg is much larger.
He scales very well with Endgame Black Widow, as well as the other Figuarts Marvel characters. He looks perfect next to Natasha, both in their dark black body suits. Speaking of which....
I recall during the press tour for the first Avengers film, several interviewers and writers mentioned Black Widow's skin tight body suit. I noticed that this Hawkeye figure's suit, while not skin tight, does have a more pronounced rear end than the other male Marvel figures I own. I know that Captain America is supposed to have America's ass, but in S.H. Figuarts form, Hawkeye has his beat in that department.
S.H. Figuarts Endgame Hawkeye gets a 7.5 out of 10. Nice paint, details, sculpt, decent articulation and accessories. Maybe a gun or sword would've been nice as well, but as it stands, he's a good release.
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