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Top 15 Favorite Figures of 2019

 As we end 2019, it is that time of the year for top lists. I was initially going to list my top 10 favorite figures of 2019, but as I began the task of preparing that list, it became quite hard. I purchased a lot of figures this year, and there were MANY great ones. So I increased it to 15. So here is my list of top 15 favorite figures of 2019.

NUMBER 15: S.H. FIGUARTS ANIME ULTRAMAN SUIT VER. 7. Out of the 2 releases that Tamashii put out from the Netflix Ultraman anime, this was the one that was worth getting. Nice articulation, paint, details and cool accessories made him a winner.

NUMBER 14: S.H. FIGUARTS ENDGAME BLACK WIDOW. Miss Natasha Romanov made my top 10 list last year with her Infinity War version, and here she made the cut again with her Endgame look. Black Widow is a character I grew to love, and her death in the film hit me hard. Tamashii once again did a fantastic job with her likeness in figure form. 

NUMBER 13: S.H. FIGUARTS SUPER BUU. This guy turned out to be a very nice surprise. Great articulation and a good amount of heads and hands made this big, pink giant a great purchase. Tamashii could not have done a better job!

NUMBER 12: S.H. FIGUARTS ULTRAMAN GEED MAGNIFICENT. Last year I was disappointed with Geed Royal Megamaster, mostly due to the plastic cape that mostly got in the way of getting him into good poses. This version of Geed showed a serious amount of effort that paid off. Everything on him is great, from his moveable shoulder pads that do not hinder his arm movement, to his Geed Claw that opens and turns. Geed Magnificent was a great release.

NUMBER 11: MAFEX COMIC VERSION VENOM. Mafex delivered a fantastic figure with their comic version of Venom. Great joints, lots of extra hands (including a magnetic pair, as well as magnetic feet), webs and alternate heads (including Eddie Brock). Some collectors scoffed that he was about the same size as their comic version Spider-Man, since Venom towers over him. But that didn't bother me. He is just fantastic!

NUMBER 10: S.H. FIGUARTS ULTRAMAN BELIAL. When I first saw this guy announced, I wasn't planning on getting it as I already had an Ultra Act version. Once it was released and I saw a few Japanese photos and reviews, I changed my mind, and goddamned if that wasn't a smart move. This figure was fantastic and blew the Ultra Act version out of the water. I absolutely fell in love with it.

NUMBER 9: S.H. FIGUARTS ULTRAMAN ZERO. The son of Ultraseven landed with a bang. He comes with so many accessories and looks so damn good. The more I messed with it, the more I loved it. If you are a fan of Zero, this is THE Zero to own. Because I liked him so much, purchasing the pricier Strong Corona and Miracle Luna 2-pack was a no brainer, as those 2 were equally great. 

NUMBER 8: S.H. FIGUARTS ULTRAMAN TARO. Just like Belial, I already owned the Ultra Act version so I wasn't sure if I should get this. And once again, I did and found it to be better than the older Ultra Act. The 6th Ultra brother is a great purchase and comes with everything you need in an Ultraman action figure! 

NUMBER 7: NECA GODZILLA 62. NECA really kicked into high gear this year with their Godzilla releases. This guy sported improved articulation, a segmented tail and very nice sculpt. This is the release where NECA started giving the pricier Monsterarts line a run for their money.

NUMBER 6: NECA GODZILLA 64. The Mosu-Goji suit is a fan favorite and one of my top favorites. NECA once again gave us a fantastic, high quality release. They really captured 64's likeness, and gave us great articulation and good paint and details. The way these figures are turning out, I hope they give us more Showa suits as I am confident they'll be just as great.

NUMBER 5: JAZWARES FORTNITE RABBIT RAIDER, DJ YONDER & LEVIATHAN. Jazwares turned out to be the HOLY FUCK surprise company of the year. Their Legendary series of Fortnite characters are some of the best figures you can buy. For about $20, you get a wonderfully detailed character with lots of accessories and great articulation. I purchased several of them this year, and these 3 were the absolute best of the best. You seriously cannot go wrong with these. Jazwares are giving other companies such as Marvel Legends some serious competition, and the way they came out swinging, they are winning.

NUMBER 4: S.H. FIGUARTS ULTRAMAN GINGA. This guy is the clear winner out of all the Ultras Tamashii Nations gave us in 2019, at least in my book. Wonderfully smooth joints, great sculpt and extras made him rise above the others, and I really loved some of those others.  This dude is simply awesome. 

NUMBER 3: S.H. MONSTERARTS GODZILLA 2019. Tamashii Nations really delivered with their rendition of Legendary's King of the Monsters. This figure turned out fantastic. As a huge Godzilla fan, I couldn't be happier with this release. Out of all their KOTM figures, this guy was clearly the King, rising above all others.

NUMBER 2: NECA ULTIMATE SAM. To say this figure surprised me was an understatement. I could not believe how quickly I fell in love with this little guy. He looks great, can articulate well and is packed with everything to make him THE Sam figure to own. The fact that several of NECA's releases made my list shows how much they've improved, and Sam is their absolute best. I cannot emphasize how much I love this toy.

NUMBER 1: MAFEX COMIC VERSION DEADPOOL.The top spot goes to this awesome release. An amazing sculpt, fantastic articulation and lots of hands made Deadpool my absolute favorite action figure of 2019. Some collectors passed on him because he didn't come with any guns, which I'll admit, was an odd decision. But I have enough extra guns from all these other figures I own that fit perfectly in his trigger finger hands, so Deadpool is ready to rock and roll like the best of them. This guy is just so much damn fun to pose, I could literally sit for hours playing around with it. He is just a kick ass action figure! 

So there ya have it. My top 15 favorite figures of 2019. It was a great year for collectors, so many amazing releases. Have a great rest of the year, and I'll see ya in 2020! 


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