Yet another Spanish Paul Naschy flick, once again in his most famous role, the werewolf Waldemar Daninsky. In this one he's an anthropologist and psychologist who decides to go to Tibet with Professor Lacomb, his daughter Sylvia, and a team of scientists to search for the elusive Abominable Snowman. While there, they encounter danger left and right.
Like his other Spanish horror films, this one is filled with all sorts of chaotic developments. A team of locals whom they hire to guide them into the mountains turn on them and attack them. Waldemar goes searching for an easier trail due to bad weather and ends up in an old cave with 2 femme fatales who engage in cannibalism and try to seduce him. He kills them both, but not before one of them bites him on the chest, inflicting him with the curse of lycanthropy. A team of bandits capture the rest of the team and take them to the Palace of Sakakahn, which is ruled by an evil tyrant and his mistress Wandessa. Waldemar eventually meets up with his team, resulting in torture, fights and death. He and Sylvia also search for a red flower that, when combined with the blood of a woman, has the power to cure Waldemar of his wolfy affliction.
The Werewolf and The Yeti is chock full of blood, werewolf action, evil, murder, revenge and terror. As for the Yeti, he unfortunately has very little screen time, only appearing at the beginning and at the end for the big fight against Waldemar's werewolf. I would have liked to have seen more of him, but everything else that we get was enough to keep me entertained. The film also seems to have been restored, so it looked crisp and clean. I streamed it on Tubi, home of hundreds of great old b-movies. If you're a Paul Naschy fan, you won't be disappointed.
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