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Top 10 Favorite Figures of 2022

As the year comes to an end, it is time for me to list my 10 personal best/favorite action figures of this last year. I purchased less stuff in 2022 than in years past, but I still got enough great ones to easily make up a list of ten. Here they are….


MEGO Face of the Screaming Werewolf

This figure was not released in 2022, but it’s one that I got this year, a gift from my buddy Jake. This werewolf is simply awesome, one of my favorite action figures of the year, so of course he gets an honorable mention.

10. Kaiju Thunder (3rd party) Barabas

This 3rd party figure took me by surprise. The sculpt and paint are fantastic, and he came with plenty of cool extras to make him the ultimate version of this funky Choju that first appeared in Ultraman Ace. I found myself reaching for this monster a lot when taking kaiju photos. The same person who made this is working on a figure of Vakishim, another cool Ace Choju that I’m looking forward to getting.

9. S.H. Figuarts Ultraman Ribut

The Malaysian Ultra warrior got a nice release from Tamashii Nations. With multiple hands, his signature beam and weapons, he was given everything you’d need to make him the definitive articulated Ribut to own. 

8. S.H. Figuarts Ultraman Z Beta Smash

My favorite form of Ultraman Z came with all his specialty weapons, including his Ultra Slash. The sculpt and paint accurately captures his buff build. He was the form I was most looking forward to, and he was worth the wait.

7. S.H. Figuarts Ultraman Astra

The brother of Leo was released this year, and just like his sibling, he got the specialty treatment, with lots of character specific accessories, including the Ultra Key and Ultra Double Flasher beam that he shoots with the help of Leo. It was nice to get another Showa era Ultra.

6. Ultrawoman Carmeara

From the Ultraman Trigger series, we got his jilted love Carmeara. Being the 1st female Ultra in the Figuarts line, she came out looking great. In addition to multiple hands and her signature whip, she also came with Trigger’s Zeperion Beam. Carmeara was a worthy release.

5. Ultrawoman Grigio

The little sister of Rosso and Blu had her prototype teased several years ago. Fans waited and waited, and 2022 finally saw her release. She was worth the wait, coming out absolutely fantastic, with a wide variety of hands that are unique to her character. Grigio is one of the more fun Ultra figures of this year.

4. S.H. MonsterArts SP Jet Jaguar.

From the Singular Point anime series, this updated version of the beloved robot ended up kicking serious ass in 2022. Included were a decent selection of accessories, including his spear and propeller, but it was his articulation that made him a badass. Jet Jaguar is the most highly pose-able robot you can imagine. Tamashii Nations went all out to ensure that his engineering would be wired for maximum potential. Unlike other stiff machines, this guy is tons of fun to pose.

3. S.H. MonsterArts Godzilla 2004

The most highly articulated Godzilla ever released from the MonsterArts line, it was only fitting that this title would belong to Final Wars Goji. G2004 is a figure that’s a lot of fun to pose for photo shoots. This guy made it onto a lot of collectors best of list, and after looking at pics of him in action, you can see why.

2. S.H. MonsterArts Hedorah

For Smoggy’s 50th anniversary, Tamashii Nations announced a special combo with 3 of his forms: tadpole, flying and adult. I never thought that the smog monster would get released in the MonsterArts line, and yet he did, in a fantastic set that captures the kaiju’s distinct look and personality. The adult form is surprisingly mobile, able to move much better than I expected. I’ve always loved Hedorah, and I’m happy  that Bandai gave him plenty of respect and love.

1. S.H. Figuarts Shinkocchou Seihou 55th anniversary Ultraman.

When Tamashii Nations announced that their 1st Ultra star was getting the Shinkocchou Seihou treatment for his 55th anniversary, fans rejoiced. Once this figure dropped, fans couldn’t cheer loud enough. This is the absolute BEST articulated Ultraman ever. He not only came with all his signature attack weapons and multiple hands, but his engineering is an articulated action figure collector’s dream. Able to easily duplicate all his classic poses, the sky is the limit for ways in which you can display him. The Tsuburaya tokukatsu hero that started it all received a kickass release. I absolutely LOVE this figure!

2022 was a great year for kaiju and tokukatsu action figure collectors. While I cut back and only focused on mostly buying stuff I really wanted, I found that I was quite happy with the ones I got. I’m looking forward to what 2023 has in store. Happy New Year, and happy collecting!



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