From the 3rd party company Dasin, who made the One Punch Man Saitama and Genos that I own, I picked up this figure of Action Kamen (aka Action Mask). He's a character from the Japanese TV series Crayon Shin-chan. I got him from ebay and he was delivered last week, so here he is, in all his goofy, superhero glory.

The figure comes with 6 different portraits (two open mouth smiling, shocked/scared, gritting teeth frown, close mouthed half smile, and neutral expression). Also included are five pairs of hands (fists, karate chop, pointing, thumbs up and a pair that's a mix of kinda neutral and curved pointing). He also has a 2 piece beam effect that clips onto his wrists, and a stand and base. He resembles an absurd superhero, with a pointy-eared mask, complete with a Trojan hat crest, that covers the top part of his face, red briefs, gloves and boots, a belt buckle with an "A" on it, and a green torso with white shoulder pads. He's quite colorful and, paired with his various facial expressions, really stands out among my kaiju and Ultra figures.

His articulation includes neck and head on a ball joint, double jointed elbows and knees, butterfly swivels on the shoulders, ball joint thighs, upper torso ball joint, waist rotation, ball peg wrists and ankles, upper arm and thigh swivels, and toe hinge. You change his portraits by popping the head off, pulling both the front and back parts of his mask that are 2 separate pieces that clip together, inserting the desires portrait into the peg at the back of the mask, then clipping the front part on and popping the head back on the neck joint. It was a bit challenging at first, but once you've done it a few times, it becomes easier. The arms and legs have pretty good range, allowing you to achieve various types of action poses. All the joints are solid, nothing was overly loose.

The one issue that did arise is that some of the sockets in certain portraits were rather tight, so depending which one I put on, the neck joint can stay stuck in the bottom of the portrait and will pop out of the neck. I had to use a thin needle nose plier to pull the joint out of the bottom of the portrait and pop it back in the neck. Perhaps I will apply a tiny amount of shock oil to those tight portraits, so they don't pull out the neck joint when switching the heads.
Ultimately, Dasin Action Kamen is a pretty fun figure to own. It was released a few years ago, and I recall it caught my attention, but I never got around to purchasing one until now. I've had a lot of fun messing and posing it, and all the included extras make him very expressive. If you’re a fan of the character, or if you just enjoy colorful, tokusatsu style superhero action figures, then he’s worth owning.
Here’s a stop motion clip I made with him.
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